By Niamh Russell
I have always had an interest in photography and film, even from a very young age. I got my first camera several years ago and I haven’t put it down since. People start photography and filming for several reasons, you could have an interest in it like I did, would like a new hobby, wanting to get out of the house ( especially now ), or for the hell of it ,why not!

First things first, your equipment! You don’t need an expensive or a fancy camera or tripod. The more advanced settings on your phones camera can do excellent things, even the filters. But if you’re looking for a camera besides the one on your phone, do your research!!

Always consider the following when looking for a camera:
The store: Whether it is an online store or a store near you, check their reviews and credentials, you must trust the shop or seller.
The camera: It is easy to get confused or mixed up on types or brands of cameras, or the amount of pixels it has. I recommend that you try your best not to get too carried away or stressed about it, my first camera was a Fujifilm fineplix s5600, I found it really easy to use and fell in love with it. Now, I’m not ordering you to get that same camera, It’s perfectly okay to take your time picking out your first or new camera and the type.
Tripod: You don’t necessarily have to purchase a tripod when getting your first camera, don’t be thinking you must purchase a tripod right off the bat.It can be quite confusing trying to figure out how to use both a tripod and a camera at the same time. I use a Zomei Tripod, which was gotten from eBay, and it is absolutely amazing.
Cost: Expensive does not always mean the quality of the camera or the photographs will be better, always research the price of the camera and different sites or shops to get the best price and quality.
Here are some tips and tricks that I picked up on along the way!:
-You don’t need to know everything about the camera straight away, watch videos or tutorials.
-Always carry spare batteries and a spare SD card.
-When you get your camera, don’t be afraid to experiment with the settings, go wild, even when you might more experienced, always experiment and have fun with it.