The RIAC ‘Virtual’ Picnic in the Park supported by Motorsport Ireland in aid of LauraLynn runs until 02 August 2021.

Unfortunately, Covid is still with us and despite vaccinations, we continue to live in a very restricted environment. This means that a physical “RIAC Picnic in the Park” will have to wait for another year. However the wonderful organisation that is LauraLynn still needs your help and support to ensure that Ireland’s only hospice for children with life-limiting conditions can continue to operate at the highest level possible for those most vulnerable in our lives.
1. Host a real picnic with your friends and family anytime from now until the 2nd of August and email your photos to Include your cherished car or motorcycle or even your pet in the image provided and we will post this on our website.
Then please donate at using the reference “Picnic”
Use the dropdown section “what inspired your donation” ->“This money is from a fund raising event”-> Type in “Picnic”
2. Post a photo of your picnic to your Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram profile with the hashtag #VirtualPicnicInthePark and tag @riacpicnic, @motorsportirl & @lauralynnhospice where available. Then please donate at and use the reference “Picnic”
Use the dropdown section “what inspired your donation” ->“This money is from a fund raising event”-> Type in “Picnic”
3. Without hosting a picnic, but you would still like to help,
Then please submit your donation at and use the reference “Picnic”
Use the dropdown section “what inspired your donation” ->“This money is from a fund raising event”-> Type in “PICNIC”
CHEQUES: If anyone wants to write a cheque then make it out to LauraLynn and either send it direct to them or to Holly Miley, RIAC,33/34 Dawson Street, Dublin 2.
Do put in a note referring to the “PICNIC”
They will award a small prize for the photo that best captures the spirit of the occasion!
Please feel free to contact any of the following if you want more information:
For more information see