On the 26th of August, James Casserly’s cousins, Lucy Silke and Maisy Casserly Harrington, both aged 7 and from Lucan, showed a remarkable act of kindness. Both girls, grew their hair to donate to the Rapunzel Foundation to make wigs for children suffering from hair loss. They understood the difference a wig could make to give extra confidence to others when facing the outside world. They also used this opportunity to raise funds for Barretstown where their big cousin James attends to have some #seriousfun along with other children with serious illnesses. They successfully raised €1500. The whole family and Jimbo are incredibly proud of what they have done and what they have achieved. They are making a significant difference to many many children.
Next up for Team James is Dublin Half Marathon followed by Dublin City Marathon where James and his Aunty Ali will take to the streets of Dublin for the 4th time.
To follow their journey, you can do so on Facebook at ‘Team James Dublin’ or to donate at https://dublin-marathon-2016.everydayhero.com/ie/team-james