On August 9th 2021 The Síol Fund at the Community Foundation of Ireland (CHY13967) will launch a new Tallaght Fund. The Fund commits to investing €100K each year for three years into the Tallaght community. Síol is a Social Enterprise which was established with the purpose of supporting social entrepreneurs who look to enact practical, sustainable change and positively impact their community. Through the Tallaght Fund, Síol will support grass-roots led community projects in Tallaght. The Síol Foundation will also provide mentoring and financial advice to the individuals and organisations who avail of the fund.
Síol are stimulating the Tallaght community to come together and co-create ideas for funding. Youth services, schools and clubs across Tallaght are encouraged to come together and develop inclusive, creative and imaginative ideas for funding.
Ahead of the fund’s launch, Síol’s Director of Operations Andrea Deering said “We want the people of Tallaght to tell us what they see for the future of their community and support them to achieve it. Having an application process that is focused on their ideas of change told in video format gives anyone who ever said ‘If I had the money I would . . . ‘ an opportunity to do it. We are excited to hear the innovative ideas that will enhance the community and may even change our world.”
Senator Lynn Ruane has championed the fund, speaking ahead of the fund’s launch she called for all local services to get involved and to encourage and facilitate the ideas with the community members young and old who use their services.
The fund looks to be as accessible as possible with the initial application process for funding taking place via short video submission. A community information evening will take place via Zoom on the 29th of July. The aim of the meeting is to inform those who wish to avail of funding how to do so in a relaxed conversational setting. The fund encourages those who have never applied for funding before to attend and learn about developing initiatives. To register for the information event, which is to be held on July 29th via email at tallaghtfund@siolfoundation.com or register at the following link tallaghtfundinfo-siolfoundation.eventbrite.ie