NCBI (National Council for the Blind of Ireland) is concerned about the ongoing impact that the social distancing rules are having on the mental wellbeing of people who are blind or vision impaired. People with sight loss live in a more tactile world and the absence of human contact and touch further exacerbates feelings of isolation.
Alan Breathnach, NCBI Chief Services Officer said “We understand that living with sight loss can have a significant psychological impact on the individuals experiencing it and on those around them. During Covid 19, people are still receiving a diagnosis and/or experiencing a deterioration of vision and trying to come to terms with what this means for their future. This adjustment coupled with the instinctive human need for physical social connection at a time when it is not permitted can be overwhelming for some.”
Through the NCBI helpline, callers have been stressing how isolated they feel being unable to connect with their family and friends. NCBI is there to offer tailored practical and emotional support to our service users countrywide to help them through this challenging time. This can include telephone and video calls in a one to one or peer group setting. Anyone seeking support can call our national helpline 1850 33 43 53.