Sean Crowe TD recently contacted South Dublin County Council (SDCC) in relation to local residents concerns on the Citywest Roundabout which is now a junction with traffic lights.
In a reply received SDCC confirmed the following “The junction was identified to be upgraded to a pedestrian and cyclist friendly junction under the Adopted Fortunestown Local Area Plan in May 2012 (objective AM10). The works took 37 weeks to complete with a cost of €1.1.Million plus vat. It was expected that the improvements would help traffic flows at peak times. The design of the junction will help reduce speeds and provide a safer environment for pedestrians and cyclists. SDCC will be commissioning traffic and drone surveys of the area to assess the impact of the works and will continue to monitor the junction. The SDCC traffic section will amend the traffic signals timing if necessary.”
Crowe commented “Local residents complain they can’t get out of their estates in the mornings and the promised traffic survey needs to be carried out urgently. The biggest challenge facing SDCC is that many residents have lost confidence in their road engineers and will argue quite convincingly pointing to recent examples such as the Orlagh Roundabout and the traffic markings at the Kilnamanagh Shopping Centre – Mayberry Road, that these proposed roundabouts and road upgrades to supposedly include cycle and pedestrian paths are in fact making commuting more hazardous and delays even worse.”