Bonner Welcomes Proposals to improve Conditions for Walkers & Pedestrians accessing Red Cow Luas from Woodford & Monastery.Clondalkin Labour Councillor and Deputy Mayor Breeda Bonner has welcomed South Dublin County Council’s plan to improve access for cyclists and walkers between Monastery Heath and the Red Cow Luas stop. A lot of people from the Woodford/ Monksfield and Monastery areas use these footpaths and cycleways to access the Red Cow Luas stop. To see them improved would be a great benefit to both walkers and cyclists alike.
A further benefit to people in Clondalkin would be the provision of lockers in which to store bikes at the Red Cow Luas stop if authorities were willing to consider such a development.
Cllr. Bonner pointed out that the above plans can be examined at both the Clondalkin and Tallaght Co. Council offices from Thursday 24 May until Friday 29 June 2018 in case anyone wishes to suggest changes to the proposal.