Following the recent fire in St Dominic’s Hall in Tallaght, Narcotics Anonymous (NA) have reopened all their meetings in new venues. The hall, also known as, The Old Post Office, had been their home for over 35 years. Many thousands of addicts were helped to get clean in that room. NA is a fellowship of recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. Our meetings are open to anyone with a desire to live a drug free life. There are over 200 physical meetings and 80 online meetings every week in Ireland. There are currently 6 weekly meetings in Tallaght and 4 in Clondalkin.

If you or someone you know has a drug problem, you can come along to one of the meetings. There’s no fees, no appointment necessary. Just turn up. You’ll get a warm welcome from people just like you. They’ve been there. They can help. For information about NA and details on all meetings, including maps, go to or call their phoneline on (086) 862 9308.