Members of Palmerstown Camera club continue to enter competition’s run by the Irish Photographers Federation. These competitions require that the photographer present a panel from 10 to 15 images in the genre of photography they are interested in. The images must tell a story and must be cohesive. Two of our members Suzanne Mc Mahon and Teresa Kavanagh entered such competitions in Portlaoise on Saturday the 12th of March. Suzanne received an acceptance for her panel of 10 images this means she can place LIPF after her name in the photography world. The panel is judged by 10 judges who confer between themselves. They will be looking for technical detail, sharpness of the image even the quality of the paper. But Suzanne’s images where strong and she was awarded her acceptance.
Teresa had already got her acceptance and the next stage for her was a fellowship for this she had to produce 15 images of Genre she wanted to present which was nature she also had to write a brief story about her images. The judges went through each image talking among themselves taking each image down and inspecting them. Teresa then read her story about her images and the judges where happy to award her Fellowship. This now means in the photography world she can now add AIPF after her name. Congratulations to both of the girls they did a fantastic job. Aidan Lawlor a member of our club visited around Palmerstown to see if he could find some interesting images, he went into the park, at Mill Lane and came across the ruins of a church. It lies deep in the undergrowth almost forgotten. The church is over 200 years old and was first recorded in 1220 as belonging to the Prior of St John The Baptist. The roof has long gone the church is surrounded by a small graveyard. The church was restored and the area cleaned up which now gives easy access.

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