“Many residents have enquired about the works on Monastery Road, Siac Roundabout and Woodford Hill, South Dublin County Council has concluded the the work will start in July and be complete 6 months after”. stated by Cllr. Trevor Gilligan.
Proposals are to include: The construction of new wide footpath between Monastery Heath and Siac Roundabout. Provision of safe pedestrian crossing facilities at the Siac Roundabout on the Woodford Hill arm and reconfiguration of the roundabout. Provision of 2 signalised pedestrian crossings, one at Siac Roundabout on the Woodford arm of the roundabout and the other one on the bow bridge (L1019) just south of the Ibis Roundabout. Junction treatment works at Monastery Gate Entrance. Pavement works on footpaths around the Ibis Roundabout. Tree planting to replace trees on Monastery Road that require removal. Provision of staircase down the eastern embankment just south of the bow bridge to the footpath at the bottom. Resurfacing of the footpath and cycle track between the Siac Roundabout and the Ibis. And Roundabout and merging the footpath and cycle track into a shared facility.
Subject to the following conditions; 1. Consideration of a right of way for cyclists and pedestrians at the entrance into Monastery Gate. and 2. Provision of a cycle access to the off road cycle track alongside Monastery Road just after the SIAC roundabout outbound.