Dear Editor,
I am writing as a Gay Man who is an democratically elected local councillor but more than that I am writing as a Human being with the same emotions and feelings as everyone else , I am a brother ,an uncle , a husband among other titles but above all a human being , Twice this year I have received Homophobic post and I have also had a video put on you tube with homophobic contents , it’s all too easy to say ignore it let it go over your head you are better than that, Homophobia hurts it effects mental health and wellbeing and should always be exposed for what it is – a vile ,unnecessary and hateful action towards another human , sadly in Ireland we don’t have Hate Legislation we need it urgently ,There is no place for Homophobia , Transphobia or racism in our modern republic.

People should not be allowed post vile and hurtful and spiteful trash on social media or post to any person without repercussions to their actions. How dare anyone think it’s acceptable to post by letter or social media language that is vile and damaging to a human being? That why we need urgent Hate Legislation, no person should be made feel any less than they are which is equal and a valued member of the community they live in. This morning I awoke to My sitting room , My front door and car window smashed – Enough is enough
Cllr Francis Timmons