The 2022 Lumper Schools Project was recently launched by the Director of the National Museum of Ireland Lynn Scarff in Collins Barracks. The Lumper Schools Project is running for a number of years and is an all Island programme with great success for participating schools. The program has many benefits, remembrance of all those victims who died during the year’s of An Gorta Mor. The exiles of 1845 and the many generations after who have helped to shape the world we live in today.

Spare a thought when planting the Lumper, for all those in famine, hunger and poverty today, almost a billion in a world of plenty. The biodiversity lesson of the fragile world we live in, nature, people, planet and sea. When planting the Lumper, traditionally around Saint Patrick’s Day. The Lumper is a living history teacher that spans and links generations of people, through time, space and history. The Lumper gives lessons in the importance of self sufficiency, sustainability, exercise, working in harmony with nature, and is one of the most nutritious food we can eat today. Before young people’s eyes and minds over a short few months the miracle of nature, the potato performs the abundance and bountiful harvest from seed potatoes to grow into so many that is part of the diet of billions of people globally.
Michael Blanch of CCIFV commented “CCIFV wish to thank The National Museum of Ireland, The Glens of Antrim Potatoes, Dunnes Stores and Scoilnet, without whose support the 2022 Lumper School’s Project could not happen. We wish all participating schools happy planting and a bountiful harvest.”
Visit Lumper Schools Project for details on how to get your Free Lumper Pack and Booklet.
Main Image Pictured L-R: Cadhla Blanch, Aobha Blanch (Scoil Santain) Caroline Byrne, Lynn Scaff Museum Director, Michael Blanch, CCIFV, Michael McKillop, The Glens of Antrim, Abaigh Polóc, Sibéal Ní Nuallain, Ciara Ni Bhlanch-Duinn (Colaiste de hIde)
Photographs by Billy Byrne