South Dublin County Council (SDCC) launch their Road Safety Action Plan 2022 – 2024 which outlines 27 key actions that supports the work of the 5th Government Road Safety Strategy (GRSS) 2012 – 2030 “Our Journey Towards Vision Zero.” Vision Zero is Ireland’s long-term goal of achieving zero road deaths or serious injuries by 2050. SDCC recognises that while a combined national approach is required to make a noticeable and long-lasting change to our roads, Local Authorities have a responsibility to work at the local level to bring about this change. We have statutory obligations under the Roads Act 1993, but we also have a social obligation to the people of South Dublin County and all those who traverse our roads network. Creating the safest roads possible and raising awareness among road users of the risks associated with roads and promoting responsible behavior when using them, is an extremely high priority for SDCC. The Council’s action plan aims to identify areas where we can promote and improve road safety within our County. In addition, we will create and publish annual action plans to help support our 2022 – 2024 plan and use 11 Safety Performance Indicators (SPIs) to help monitor our road safety performance.

Mr Daniel McLoughlin, Chief Executive, South Dublin County Council said “South Dublin County Council is acutely aware of the importance of road safety and our obligations to all road users. We are also extremely mindful of our climate action obligations, including the need to reduce the number of trips by motorised transport. This requires an even greater awareness and focus on road safety for those that cycle, scoot, walk and use public transport. With that in mind, this action plan has a set of 27 actions aimed at supporting the long-term strategy of Vision Zero by 2050.”
Mayor Emma Murphy, South Dublin County Council said “There is an increase in appetite for cycling and walking to work, college, and school. Whilst the change is slow, it is changing and very much welcomed if we are to meet our obligations to mitigate climate change factors. Those that cycle and walk are less protected than those that drive and require increased attention to improve the perception of safety associated with these modes. That said, the safety on our roads is not the responsibility of one organisation, but that of all stakeholders and road users. As Mayor of South Dublin, I am proud to launch this action plan and to be involved with efforts to improve road safety within our County.”