CCIFV have suggested to past Minister Madigan as Chair of the National Famine Commemoration Committee to hold the 2021 International Famine Commemoration Day on the Choctaw Nation Lands in Oklahoma.
Michael Blanch of CCIFV added “Below is to the Minister, acknowledgement received, also of Choctaw and CCIFV at the unveiling of the 9 Feathers memorial ‘Kindred Spirits’ in Midleton Cork June 2017. We also sent a copy of the email to Chief Gary Batton of the Choctaw Nation who replied with four word’s “I love the idea“.”

This Initiative is to recognise the contribution from people under severe difficulties themselves after their Trail of Tears Walk of forced exile from their homes and home land of centuries. Many thousands died of starvation on the Walk during the 1830s. Similar to Ireland during the years of An Gorta Mor starvation and exile. There is a bronze plaque in the hall of the Mansion House commemorating the kind donation of $170 by the Choctaw Nation to the Irish in 1847 Black ’47. The Mansion House was the hub of distribution of funds for Ireland during An Gorta Mor.
Blanch concluded “It was a proud day to be Irish when the Irish people home and abroad responded so generously donating millions to the cause of the Navajo and Hopie people in their hour of need during the last few months. CCIFV in a small way reciprocated the Choctaw donation by donating $170 to the Navajo and Hopie Covid-19 cause. When the new government is formed, if the Minister takes on board the Idea to hold the International Famine Commemoration Day in Oklahoma with Chief Batton’s blessing. It will cement the bond of universal Brotherhood of solidarity and community spirit through time, space, distance and history, between all Nations and communities of the World.”
Ireland is unique in the World, Ireland is the only country with a National Famine Commemoration Day in it’s National calendar that other countries can support in solidarity and highlight the many countries in Famine and Hunger today, every 3rd Sunday in May.