As of the start of September, there are 84 Educate Together primary and 13 second-level schools in Ireland. In total, these schools will provide education for over 25,000 pupils. In addition to opening two new primary schools and four new second-level schools this year, Educate Together has applied to open four more second-level schools in 2019, and the organisation expects to apply for thirteen national schools due to open in 2019. Firhouse ETSS opened in its temporary accommodation in Firhouse ETNS while permanent accommodation is built. At full capacity it will accommodate 1,000 pupils.
Claire Matthews, Principal of Firhouse ETSS: “We are incredibly excited to be opening Firhouse Educate Together Secondary School. It is such a special day for the community in Firhouse and everybody that supports the Educate Together ethos. We are a listening and learning school community, passionate about the education of our young people to ensure that they have the knowledge, understanding, skills and values to best support them to be happy and healthy as they navigate their 21st Century world. Our school motto is ‘Be Your Best Self’ which serves as a reminder that we all have a role to play in building a school community that reflects our shared values, honouring the relationships that we have with each other to support our students to flourish personally and academically.”