End of Gardaí surge funding in Dublin ‘outrageous’

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TD for Dublin Mid-West, Mark Ward, has criticised the government’s decision to end surge policing funding in Dublin as ‘outrageous’. The €10 million temporary funding unveiled by Minister Helen McEntee last year has now been spent and not renewed.

Speaking recently, Teachta Ward said “It has been clear for some time now that many of those who live, work and socialise in our capital city simply do not feel safe. Gardaí have seen their funding and numbers slashed in real terms compared to Dublin’s rising population. “Dublin Mid-West is an incredible place that the people I represent are proud to call home. However, many people locally in Dublin have been expressing concerns that a lack of visible policing means they and their families don’t feel safe and protected.

“The latest figures show that there are just 705 Gardaí in Dublin Metropolitan Region Western. This is a decrease of nearly 10% since 2011. This also comes at a time when the local population in Dublin Mid-West is increasing, so in real terms this represents a drastic decrease. “Sinn Féin have brought forward proposals to properly fund and resource the Gardaí here in Dublin Mid-West. This would make a real difference for communities here and ensure they can feel safe.

“However, instead of acting on our plan and delivering meaningful, long-term change, the government announced this short-term funding as a sticking plaster. Now, this funding has run out and has not been replaced. This is outrageous. “Minister McEntee continues to be out of touch and fails to grasp the severity of the fears communities in Dublin have. People in Dublin Mid-West need to see change now, without any more delays or PR gimmicks that amount to nothing.

“Fine Gael have been responsible for the Justice Department for more than a decade. In this time, they have totally failed An Garda Síochána by closing Garda stations, enforcing real term cuts to police numbers and leaving the city feeling unsafe and exposed. “A Sinn Féin government would stand up for communities in Dublin Mid-West and our Gardaí by ensuring they have the resources and supports they need to do their jobs properly and keep communities safe. Communities continue to feel badly let down and abandoned by Minister McEntee and Fine Gael’s soft-touch approach to crime. People in Dublin Mid-West deserve change.”

Picture of Sarah Brooks

Sarah Brooks

Sarah has worked in marketing and content creation for many years. In her role at Newsgroup, she is the online editor of www.newsgroup.ie with a particular interest in local news and events. Sarah also works closely with our editorial team on our printed editions in Tallaght, Lucan, Clondalkin and Rathcoole/Saggart. If you have a story and would like to make contact please email Sarah at info@newsgroup.ie.



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