Superhero Week at Romayo’s finished at the end of last week – offering a free meal to any member of the emergency services on their way to or from work. The top takeaway chain gave away nearly €30,000 worth of food over 5 days across their 17 stores! Romayo’s outlets in Dublin including a store in Citywest, Kildare, Meath and Offaly served free meals to HSE hospital staff, defence forces, Gardaí and the fire services from Sunday, April 26 until Thursday, April 30 inclusive.

“National Superhero Day was April 26, so we decided to hold Romayo’s Superhero Week to honour and acknowledge the sacrifices of those on the frontline in the fight against Covid-19,” said Dario Macari of Romayo’s. “As a business and as a family we wanted to pay tribute to the work of these superheroes who are working hard to keep the rest of us safe during the pandemic. “We are taking strict measures to prevent the spread of the virus including constant washing, disinfection, limiting the number of people in each premises and social distancing when inside.”
For more information on the offer and on Romayo’s efforts to limit the spread of Covid-17, see