2 pcs Duck breast
1 tsp ground cumin
½ tsp ground chilli
¼ tsp ground turmeric
⅓ black salt
¼ black crack pepper

Take 2 pcs of clean duck breast and tranfer to a clean plate.
Rub the dry ground spices, salt and pepper over duck breast.
Place the duck breast into cold non stick pan skin side down.
Cook on medium heat to make both sides nicely brown and crispy.
Remove from pan and transfer to oven tray/plate and cook in preheated oven at 180 °C for about 8 mins.
Remove from oven and leave to rest for 1-2 mins (to make duck breast softer) before carve/slice.
Peel and cut 2 small sweet potatoes into wedges and tranfer to oven tray.
Add salt, whole cumin, olive oil and lemon juice over the sweet potatoes.
Cook in oven for 180 °C for 10 mins or cook it until tender
Cut each duck breast into thick 4/5 slices.
Toss the fresh mixed leaves with salt, pepper, lemon juice & olive oil.
Transfer salad to a plate and dress with chopped shallot, tomato & radish.
Place the sliced duck and sweet potato on top and around salad plates.
Our spiced Duck salad is ready to eat.
Serve immediately.