Record 205 homeless families in Dublin supported by charity
A charity provided emergency accommodation for an extra 32 homeless families in Dublin last year, its annual report showed recently.
A charity provided emergency accommodation for an extra 32 homeless families in Dublin last year, its annual report showed recently.
Fine Gael pledges to deliver more housing for Dublin Mid West as part of a nationwide delivery of 303,000 new
TD for Dublin South West Seán Crowe has said that the latest Daft rent report is added proof that renters
Cairn Homes plc is pleased to announce the launch of the Seven Mills Community Fund, worth €30,000, aimed at supporting
An increase in grants to adapt homes will allow disabled and older people to live more independently, a Fine Gael
South Dublin County Council is delighted to announce that their age friendly housing development at Brady’s Court, Old Bawn, Tallaght
People Before Profit has expressed deep concern over new figures showing that 82% of rented properties in South Dublin failed
Byrne Malone Estate Agents are thrilled and delighted to present 15 Cuil Duin Lawn to the market. This absolutely stunning
Applications for new Cost Rental homes at Airton Plaza, Tallaght, Dublin 24 opened at 9am on Wednesday 6th November and
People Before Profit representatives Gino Kenny TD and Councillor Darragh Adelaide have expressed outrage at South Dublin County Council’s decision
Local Fianna Fáil General Election candidate for Dublin Southwest, Teresa Costello has called on action to be taken on landlords
Fianna Fáil General Election candidate Cllr Shane Moynihan has welcomed new dwelling completion figures for Q3 of this year which
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