What Planet are you on? is a factual reality series that shows people tackling the biggest issue of our time in their own homes. It’s a real challenge, with choices at every turn, science provides the facts, what the participants do with that knowledge will determine their success or failure in hitting their target. Success gets a reward of €2000. What Planet Are You On? Takes the science behind climate change and using the established methods of calculation takes a forensic study of each of the households.
The programme will look at every detail of their lives from things that have direct carbon impacts like energy use and transport. But they will also look at things that have secondary impacts like the food they eat, how they deal with waste and water use. The show is being produced by Vision Independent Productions who make Operation Transformation and The Restaurant. It will be filmed in September and October 2019 and the producers are looking for three households who would like to take on the challenge.
Applications can be submitted through the following link: https://submit.link/9TLgp and the closing date is Friday 30th of August 2019.
For further information contact 01 864 1444 or email whatplanetareyouon2019@gmail.com