Did you ever tell a lie as a child? Be it to get something new, to get out of a situation, to prevent yourself from getting in trouble, to appear “cooler” to other people?
Were you ever left in a situation where you had to carry that lie and repeat it over and over? How did that feel? I have and I dreaded talking to people. I felt a physical heaviness on my shoulders, even anxiety hoping I would never be caught out or that someone wouldn’t mention it again in conversation. I wished I had never started it and that I had just told the truth from the beginning.
Have you ever been caught lying? How did that feel? What impact did that lie have on others? What consequences did that lie have for you afterwards? What about the shame and disappointment you may have felt from hurting someone?
We are all adults. This is not about lying as a child, however, the consequences of lying, cheating and dishonesty are the same now as they were then. Some of you will remember Jim Carey in “Liar Liar”. If you truly want to be happy, speak and act with integrity. So long as you are not hurting others with your words and actions then this can only ever lead to sustained happiness for all involved. Your truth is good enough, don’t hide it.