Cllr Francis Timmons commented ”Bawnogue Community Centre is struggling with the high energy costs, the Christmas fair is a chance for our community to support this much needed facility, all funds raised on the day will go towards ever increasing costs. We will have tarot readers, angel reading, bric a brac, jewellery, clothes and much more of the day, this Saturday 10th December from 11am -3pm in Bawnogue Community Centre.”

Cllr Timmons said “We will also have stalls, its a great opportunity to get a bargain or pick up a few Christmas bits, we look forward to seeing the community this Saturday, why not drop in for a cuppa and a chat?”
Cllr Timmons said “We will also have a visit from Santa who is taking time out of his busy schedule to help us fundraise for Bawnogue Community Centre”. Cllr Timmons concluded “it’s a great honour to be the chair of Bawnogue Community Centre and I want to thank our hardworking manager Dolores, her staff, the board and all who help and use the Bawnogue Community Centre all year round, working together we will ensure the centre will continue to be a much used and loved community facility”