“Last month, SDCC confirmed to me that there are now over 7,000 people on the social housing waiting list in South Dublin. As the Chief Executive has rightfully stated in his response to my query this week; *“Housing supply is the key solution” *but stock is severely limited. “How can the demand for housing possibly be met when the scale of development in affordable and public housing that’s required is simply not happening?
He added, “It maddens me that after 7 years in Government this crisis is getting worse while knowing how much it is affecting people’s lives and the mental impact it’s having on ordinary people. People dying on damp, cold streets in Dublin without shelter cannot be let become a normal aspect of life in Ireland. “There tends to be a visible face of homelessness but the reality is that there are even greater numbers relying on others to just about manage to stay off our streets as we head into winter. These are the families that we are bound to know but that are without a home; the 300 odd families in South Dublin that desperately need support from Government to end their struggle as homeless,” concluded Cllr O’Connor.