Call for more localised Information Sessions on BusConnects
John Curran T.D. has raised concern that local resident’s in the area will miss out on the upcoming Public Consultation Process
John Curran T.D. has raised concern that local resident’s in the area will miss out on the upcoming Public Consultation Process
Landlords are using a loophole in legislation designed to prevent rents being raised above 4% per annum to inflict even
Senator Neale Richmond joined Cllr. Emer Higgins in her home turf in Rathcoole to present three ISO certificates to Capital
South Dublin’s Women in Business Take Time Out for NEWS BBQ & Workshop Councillor Emer Higgins has congratulated the Local
Frances Fitzgerald T.D. has announced Computer Science will be introduced as a Leaving Cert subject in Adamstown Community College, Colaiste
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